Important changes to the Scheme’s Trustee arrangements
In August 2023, we wrote to all members about an upcoming change to the Scheme’s Trustee arrangements, which would see the trustee company, QinetiQ Pension Scheme Trustee Limited (QPSTL) replaced by a sole corporate trustee, Dalriada Trustees Limited (Dalriada). As of 1 October, the first phase of this transition has taken place.
The key change for the Scheme is that rather, than operating through a team primarily composed of QinetiQ employee and ex-employee trustee directors, the new arrangement will operate solely through a team of accredited professional pension trustees, all employed by Dalriada, an industry leader in pension trustee services.
Please note that no other changes have been made to the Scheme, and your benefits have not been affected by this change. You can read more about it in the letter and FAQ document we sent out earlier in the year.